Care in Midstream

Assisted Living

Assisted Living is suitable for older adults who require limited assistance with the activities of daily living.

Residents enjoy a homely environment with the opportunity to socialise and participate in regular activities with the support and guidance of our care staff. Central to our service offering is providing the level of care appropriate for each resident. Levels of care are based on the type and frequency. A comprehensive assessment is conducted by our multi-disciplinary team prior to admission to establish the required level of care. Regular assessments ensure that the level of care is adjusted in line with the resident’s needs.

OUR Facilities

Care in Midstream offers rental accommodation in private suites with en-suite bathrooms. All suites have panic buttons, Smart TVs, Wi-Fi and air-conditioning. Doors and bathrooms are wheelchair friendly. Bathrooms have scald protection, safety fixtures and walk-in showers. All corridors have handrails and are monitored by CCTV. Communal areas are comfortably furnished, with communal lounges, social areas with coffee stations, safe gardens, a leisure patio and a play park for visiting grandchildren.

The Care in Midstream Assisted Living facility is based at 20 Mt Quary Road, where residents enjoy a homely environment.

Monthly base rates include

Nursing Plan

A comprehensive nursing plan is drafted before the resident takes up accommodation.
The following acts of daily living are incorporated into the assessment: