Care in Midstream - Library

A message from Dr Mario Greyling

Dear All,

Covid-19 is no longer a disease that is far from us, if you have been following the news you will definitely know that Gauteng’s number of infected people is rising steadily.

Schools and industries are reopening steadily and could be a contributing factor, I also noticed that in general, the adherence to the preventative measures is taking a toll on every-one.

I have noticed so many unmasked people who do not adhere to social distancing and surely the main reason is that they crave social interaction and exhaustion of adhering to the measures.

Allow me to express my sincere gratitude to everyone who adheres to all the guidelines who are persistent with wearing masks even though their spectacles are misting up and the skin on your hands are cracked and burning from all the washing and sanitising.

My plea to all of us is to adhere to the guidelines and to be as close to perfect with the use of PPE as possible, to continue to report any possible symptoms and to try and stay safe and healthy.

Being tired emotionally is something we don’t talk about a lot, I have picked up that many of us are tired and worried about all the unknowns surrounding the pandemic.

Try to gain perspective about what it is that is bothering you, think of what you have control over such as adherence to preventative measures, my attitude and how much news you read. Things one cannot control is how other people react, their adherence to the guidelines, the ever-changing guidelines and the rapid spread of the disease.

It is advisable to focus on the things you can control and to ‘let go’ of those you have no control over.

Something we can all do is to be kind and to make time to listen. A kind word is often all that is needed. Please look after each other and do not give up the fight, together we can manage this even it is one minute at a time.

May we all stay safe and blessed.

Dr Mario