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Hydration and Delirium

Did you know that:

Delirium is different from dementia?
Dehydration is a cause of delirium?
Seniors can avoid delirium by staying hydrated?

Delirium is a mental disturbance characterised by new or worsening confusion, changes in the level of consciousness or hallucinations. Delirium is different from the slow progression of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. It has a sudden onset from hours to days, and although delirium can be reversed, it is easier to prevent than cure.

Seniors are at risk of delirium due to factors involving their internal weaknesses and environmental factors. Some risk factors, such as advanced age or dementia, are fixed. Other risk factors such as pain, malnutrition, dehydration, sensory loss, depression, and fever are modifiable with intervention. However, with each factor present, delirium risk increases. Therefore, the key to preventing delirium is reducing the number of modifiable risk factors. Infection and dehydration are common modifiable delirium risk factors. Older adults usually know when they have an infection, but do not recognise when they are dehydrated.
Mental status changes begin with mild dehydration and worsen with each stage, ending in delirium. In moderate dehydration, short-term memory loss occurs.

Once an older person is thirsty, they are already mildly dehydrated. Symptoms of severe dehydration include dry mouth and lips, sunken eyes, increased mental status changes and decreased urine output. Failure to recognise signs of dehydration predisposes older adults to become increasingly and chronically dehydrated, which is a slippery slope towards delirium. Why are older adults prone to dehydration?

Why are older adults prone to dehydration?

Generationally, older adults are not focused on hydration. Many seniors purposely limit fluid intake because they fear bladder accidents. Others with compromised mobility may curb fluid intake to avoid extra bathroom trips. Poor access to fluids or needing help to drink may limit intake. Many drink water only when taking medication. Older adults have decreased muscle mass and increased fat; because 75% of body water is stored in the muscle, seniors have less capacity to store water. Women have more body fat than men at any age, so older women have an even higher risk of dehydration.

How do you know if you are drinking enough?

An older adult can take simple steps to check their hydration status. Firstly, thirst should not be experienced at any time. Secondly, urine should be colourless or straw-coloured, and odourless. Being familiar with a urine colour chart is good practice for all ages and critical for older adults to avoid dehydration. 

Increase daily fluid intake, especially water!

At least half of your daily fluids should be water. Water significantly reduces older adults’ risk of becoming delirious. Milk, vegetable or fruit juice, and soup are also healthy fluid choices. Carbonated and caffeinated drinks should be limited due to their diuretic effect. In addition, the body needs water to filter alcoholic beverages from the body. Drinking healthy fluids is as important as eating healthy foods.